
Locally Made Products

Buying local supports lekker development:

Don’t send Santa Claus half around the world this year for your festive season gifts. Keep it local and consider buying South African products in support of the local economy.

This time round stop and for a moment think about how your rand can be put to better use in growing the economy.

We often hear the phrase “buy local”, yet do we truly consider what it really means?

Buying local is more than shopping at a local business for something manufactured in South Africa; it is about keeping jobs in our country, supporting our development and building a strong, vibrant country and the perceptions of efficiency and quality that go with it.


Our factory is based right here in Cape Town, South Africa. Press up industries sell more than 80% of locally made products. We have the skills & knowledge to customize your needs regarding welding, die casting, spin casting as well as electroplating and powder-coating. Please feel free to share your designs with us, including measurements!

#proudlysouthafrican  #supportlocalbusiness #capetown #southafrica

More about us https://pressupindustries.com/about/?v=68caa8201064